Monday, February 2, 2009

Ewing Christmas Party

Aaron and Kristi Ewing and their twin boys, Lane and Landon invited us to a Christmas Party at their house. Kristi is the owner of Heaven's Angels, a consignment shop in town, and Aaron works for Southern Star Gas. All employees of these companies, family and close friends were invited. We had a great time. They each received Santa camo hats with their name on them, stockings and gifts from Santa. Lots of fun - hayrides, baby goats and lots of food. Lane and Landon are in Dalton's 2nd grade class. Kristi and I have been hosting their class parties. Aaron's brother, Adam was one of Jon's groomsmen. So, Jon enjoyed relaxing and chatting with an oldtime friend. Thanks Aaron and Kristi for a great evening!


Roseanna said...

glad to see you're back! Cute pics of your kids :)

Anonymous said...

How sweet guys, thank you! We enjoyed having you over and glad everyone had a great time!! I haven't printed pics in forever and I'm sure needing to do that soon!!

Kristi Ewing